VCI Force
via della Meccanica, 16/18
41018 San Cesario s/P
Tel: +39 059 920010
Fax: +39 059 921415
- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We have over 20 years’ experience in this sector as dealers and representatives of Italian, American and Indian brands, developing in time over a total of over € 30 million of VCI products.
To date, we have developed our own non-nitrite or secondary amine anti-corrosive Masterbatch, with equivalent or superior performance to the industry’s most well-known brands, allowing us to be extremely competitive in the VCI anti-corrosion packaging market!
VCI FORCE Protective Packaging
Sede legale ed amministrativa: via della Meccanica, 16/18
Ricevimento/Spedizione Merci: via dell'Artigianato, 15
Confezionamento/Logistica: via della Meccanica 5/7
Z.I. Graziosa - 41018 San Cesario s/P (MODENA) ITALY
Tel: +39 059 920010- Fax: +39 059 921415
VAT# IT04089900361 - R.E.A. MO n.442029
Cap.Soc. € 500.000,00 i.v. - Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. VCIForce
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