We have over 20 years’ experience in this sector as dealers and representatives of Italian, American and Indian brands, developing in time over a total of over € 30 million of VCI products.
To date, we have developed our own non-nitrite or secondary amine anti-corrosive Masterbatch, with equivalent or superior performance to the industry’s most well-known brands, allowing us to be extremely competitive in the VCI anti-corrosion packaging market!
VCI FORCE Protective Packaging
Sede legale ed amministrativa: via della Meccanica, 16/18
Ricevimento/Spedizione Merci: via dell'Artigianato, 15
Confezionamento/Logistica: via della Meccanica 5/7
Z.I. Graziosa - 41018 San Cesario s/P (MODENA) ITALY
Tel: +39 059 920010- Fax: +39 059 921415
VAT# IT04089900361 - R.E.A. MO n.442029
Cap.Soc. € 500.000,00 i.v. - Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. VCIForce
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